Sunday, July 19, 2009


On our last day at Pelling we decided to go to the nearby Pema Yangste Monastery. Unfortunately, photography is not allowed there. So I cannot bring to the intricate, marvellously made Pagoda on the second floor. We offered our prayers and from there caught a glimpse of the ruins of the Ancient Palace, our next destination.

The walk upwards was quite strenuous. there were no signs at the beginning. 15 minutes up, we discovered  cheerful signs like these.palace signboard

Thus encouraged, we huffed and puffed our way to the top.

Palace path

A visual delight awaited us.

Palace Rabdentse

Rabdentse, the Second Capital of Sikkim, lay before us  as a reminder of what was once upon a time.

Palace 1

The sites of worship, though ravaged by the wind and rain still stand proud.

Palace chortens

Palace seats

The layout was spectacular. Settled between the tall trees and the mountains, the symmetrical structures crisscroosed our view with measured lines.

Palace lay out

Palace views 2

palce layout2

Palace views

We made a reluctant way down. History was at our finger tips and we had touched it, For a moment, we felt the swish of the richly brocaded dresses , the incense smell and the hypnotic chants of the mantras engulfing us.

Palace path return

The trees had made a canopy for us. The spicules of sunrays however ferreted their way in, and from nowhere a fragrant breeze dried our sweatdrops.

palace canopy

Our next destination was Ravangla .

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