Friday, October 10, 2008

Metro Heights Durga Puja 2008

After a film show on Sasthi (Bachna yeh Haseena and Jaane tu yeh jaane na), it was time for the cultural programme on Saptami. Starting off with a bhajan, followed by an amazing stotra recital, the programme starred the Metro Heights (almost all-ladies!!) choir. Effortlessly combining songs from different parts of India, often with the English or Hindi versions, and embellished by the dances by various age groups--the evening fascinated all of us by the variety of the performances.The dances ranged from the modern to the traditional, and one can only marvel at the hard work put in to get it all together.Let the pictures tell the story of the performers, colours and movements.

055 kirtan 059 metro heights choir 057 Bharatnatyam 062 bhangra 065 durga 066 Dandia

The Metro Heights song set to the tune of "Auld Lang Syne" was an immediate hit and I will post a MP3 version shortly for all of you to hear.

On Astami Day, there was the traditional Anjali, followed by a community breakfast and lunch. In the evening, there was an enjoyable Game show with prizes of daily household articles.The Sandhi Puja was held late at night and pandal hoppers got going after that.

Nabami saw the traditional Kumari Puja, followed bya community Lunch, which though a little late ,was enjoyed by all. At night there  were Kirtans followed by a brilliant Dandia dance, in which the hypnotic beat had persons of all ages on their feet till late at night.

The Dashami day action will be on the next post.

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