Mohiner Ghoraguli were much before its time, but they were the pathbreakers. Driven by the flair ,vision and commitment of Gautam Chattopadhyay and the others like Pradip Chattopadhyay ,Biswanath Chattopadhyay ,Ranjon Ghoshal ,Abraham Mazumder ,Tapas Das, Tapesh Bandopadhyay and Raja Bandopadhyay, they wrote about urban life and the problems of ordinary people.
Prithibita Naki-Mo... |
Sumon, unwittingly ,started the Jibonmukhi trend,(a term he was never comfortable with). Strongly influenced by Pete Seeger, his poetry(i.e. his lyrics), sang with simple accompaniment swept everybody off their feet.
Parar chhotto park... |
The bands came later. Cactus led by Sidhu, had the wonderful Halud Pakhi, but failed to find direction and versatlity later on. Bhoomi ,with their simple folk tunes and Palligeeti, struck gold with Baranday Roddur, but again were unable to come out with innovations. Though they are widely popular on stage, their music remains predictable. Rupam and his Fossils took up Hard Rock and Grunge music. They continue to have a cult following, but many music lovers are not comfortable with their sound or style. Balancing everything, following a middle path regime was Chandrabindu. They had clever lyrics by Chandril and two fine lead singers in Uppul and Anindyo. They were trying innovations and probably were the most universally accepted by a cross section of viewers.
The controversial music director Pritam, who has churned out hit after hit in Hindi films, was a past member of this band.
Other bands like Krosswindz, Lakshmichara, Dohar also have their niche audiences.
The Band Music phenomenon ruled for a decade from late nineties to the end of the first of the 2000 decades. But due to the changing viewer tastes, their popularity is not like what it was 5 years back. One of my favourite songs of the early Chandrabindu is given below. Click on the Play sign.
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