Sunday, November 14, 2010

Another tribute to Kiarostomi


“Will someone come and shower earth

when i have done with living this life,

Tomorrow with the silver dawn?

No conditions, but advance payment,

No police, reporters or TV channels,

Around me, only swaying fields of corn..”


The lone man stands and asks  again,

The passers-by turn down their heads

And move on.

One curious young man stops and stands,

Hears the question and the request,

And is gone.

The aged man,looks through muddy eyes,

at the incandescent questioner,

And scratches his heart.

The dusty wind stutters and circles,

From far away, many suns ago,

Lakes lie still and insects dart.


He looks at his infirm arms,

his wrinkled skin and the spade besides,

he shakes his head.

The lone man, puzzled,looks around,

the street hawkers cry, medley sounds,

“Funny,  not allowed to be dead.”


Deep down, where dirty nails scratch,

Fingers try to open a rickety latch,

The smell of  lemon leaves come.

The earth falls in a stream,

I feel the ageless dreams,

the return evermore to warmth….


Inspired by Anupam’s Tribute Song

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