Monday, December 22, 2008

The story within a story

The terrible Mumbai tragedy is already getting diluted. The Taj has reopened, and so has the Trident. The resignations have been given, and the responsible politicians have been sidetracked and sent behind the backdrop.The candles have been snuffed out, and the TV Anchors have stopped hyperventilating. Only the concerned families live with empty eyes and shattered psyches listening and living the cliche that Time heals the wounds. The bloodstains have been washed, the horror stories have stopped doing the rounds, the SMSes have stopped, and the emails have died away. Only the politicians sit in their rooms and plot and plot the different strategies that would get them through the elections which are just a few months away. THE ELECTIONS!!!!! The greatest hype and dupe event in our Democracy, which exists in its corrupted present form not by its own inherent quality, but by the absence of a credible alternative.


What is the unfolding scenario? What could be the deals that are being made? Is our own government's strident statements a posture? Is our government seriously contemplating  pinpoint attacks on Pakistani terror camps? Or are they trying out a solution by which they can shore up the civilian government in Pakistan and Mr.Zardari--and at the same time get a trump card with which to bring the elections home? What is the scenario being contemplated by the Congress party?

The following could be a plausible story.

India makes a demand for 40 terrorists. The real ones they want are Dawood and Masood Azhar. Pakistan would never give them Dawood.He is too powerful a man, eminently able to bring down the government. Dawood alive and kicking is very convenient, because he can be blamed for anything. That would dilute enquiries , hide the real culprits behind the scenes, and still continue to keep the D-Gang and its channels alive. So the man targeted is Azhar.


Azhar is an international terrorist and wanted in 3 countries. Moreover ,he is the man the NDA government released in exchange of the aircraft passenger hostages. What better prize than that of Azhar--released by the NDA and brought back by UPA led by Singh and Sonia. Can you imagine the hype, the telecasts, the trial,the posters, the wall writings, the slogans  , the speeches, the photographs!!!!!! Enough to decimate the BJP led NDA in the next few months. Sonia could be " Desh Ki Mata " Rahul 'a Yuvraaj"  ......etc. Stories are being sufficiently  planted, specially in the  National Media Channels.



USA after ensuring that the Nuclear Deal had effectively silenced India, now wants only a raised posture. The credit of  brokering peace will fall on  President Obama when he assumes office and Indo-US interdependency will be at a new peak.  The Left had gone (prompted by China), so the USA could be a little expansive. There are therefore no bars to this relationship getting cosier. USA wants the UPA government to stay. So, it will do whatever it can to get Azhar.

Let us see how the story unfolds, but there is no doubt in my mind that Azhar is going to be set up  so that the Congress can cling to power.

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