Have you ever got a feeling, specially as you age that you are on rental?
Your life is of limited tenure, your professional skills may change gradually, your relationships grow beyond and away from you, your thinking capabilities show diminished multitasking abilities, and you look at your journey having slipped over the midway line.
It makes sense that we are on rental. We cannot buy life forever, simply because there is no offer from the landlord. As we grow older, the value of life depreciates. Insurance premiums are raised, and many schemes are denied. All employers seek those who are below 40. Air hostesses instinctively keep a hand outstretched to prevent a fall. Even on the roads, Kaku changes to Jethu and then onto Dadu. And the media reports with a horrendous glee of so many mishaps during the day. Life is getting cheaper. Economists feel that rental is the way to go in the future. There is a wide variety of choices.
Your professional status is bought by the client. He determines your value and so your rent. This is true in the Private Sector. Government employees get fixed salaries. They are incapable of getting higher rent. Their value is fixed by someone who does not know them and in accordance with some archaic directive.
See how cameras are being rented.Photographers need avenues of publication. So the freelancer tries to sell in the market and in a sense , the market or buyers rent him for a while.The professional sportsmen are also rented , even guys like Sachin Tendulkar. All the products he associates with, have in a way rented him and all the logos he exhibits are using him by paying a fee. The amateur exhibits wherever he can. He is trying to be rented for peer appreciation.
Apart from houses, cars, computers, furniture, DVDs and anything you can think of, even uteruses, human blood or parts of human bodies are available for rent. is there any relationship rental?
Do we rent our parents, at least on a timeshare basis? Or are we in a way, renting our children? Though there is a strong emotional level, is there a economic rental also? Or is this only timeshare rental?
Rental has its advantages. No one owns anyone. After a certain time when it suits one partner, they can walk out, leaving a window through which they may or may not come back. Rental rates are lower than outright purchases. It is better to think of relationships on rental basis. Then there will be less of heartaches and emotional baggage. There will be infinitely less recrimination and anger.
Life will be of small segments of rentals—for better or for worse!!!!!
Listen to this saucy, irreverent song from the film RENT!!!!
Take me for for what I am !!!!!!